


Per the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Compliance Review #15-13-6001, 可访问性 is defined as when "a person with a disability is afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, 参与相同的互动, 和 enjoy the same services as a person without a disability in an equally effective 和 equally integrated manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use. The person with a disability must be able to obtain the information as fully, equally 和 independently as a person without a disability."

Montana Tech strives to provide equal access to university courses, 项目, 还有我们学生的活动, 工作人员, 教师, 和来访者遵守 美国残疾人法案 和 第504节 康复法案.


Anyone coming to campus should know that 孤峰 sits at a very high altitude. There is a risk of altitude sickness or shortness of breath until you have acclimated to the climate. Our campus is situated on several hills, so those with mobility issues should take necessary precautions.

我们的校园独特而历史悠久. As Montana Tech first opened its doors in 1900, there are buildings on campus that are over 100 years old. Back then, buildings were not created with 可访问性 in mind. Knowing this, we do our best to accommodate students while preserving historic integrity. Three of our buildings (Main Hall, 工程 Hall, & 勘探者大厅) are set to undergo much needed renovations within the next few years, 但在那之前, there are no working elevators in those buildings.

孤峰, MT . Weather

春天 & fall weather can be unpredictable 和 temperatures may drop or rise anywhere from 10 - 30 学位s depending on the day. 

Summers are very pleasant 和 don't usually exceed 89° 华氏(31° 摄氏度), but there are many cloudless days where the sun may beat down on you, 所以记得涂防晒霜, 喝水, 找到阴凉的地方. 夏天也是野火多发季节, 和 the smoke can make breathing difficult, 堵塞的鼻子, 和/或刺激眼睛. 请浏览 Montana Department of Natural Resources 和 Conservation to learn more about preparing for wildfires.

Winters are long, dry, 和 cold, with temperatures sometimes in the negatives. Neither campus nor 孤峰 typically shut down for winter weather.


校园安全: (406) 496-4357
残疾人服务: (406) 496-4428
I.T. 帮助台: (406) 496-4244
物理设施: 提交工单
Web开发人员: (406) 496-4400